著者 KAY
Language: English
Pages: 136 (Figures: 13, Maps: 1)
Although many distinguish Orient lists have written on "Indian Astronomy" there is no general account of this subject now available in the English Language. The present attempt to supply a summary account of the astronomical material recorded in early and mediaeval Hindu works is therefore to some extent justified. In the matter of choice and treatment of topic the author of such a summary is always open to criticism. Many items of interest have to be omitted or touched upon very lightly, and the author's predilection may lead to undue emphasis on certain matters. In the present work such subjects as the Hindu calendar and Hindu chronology are not formally dealt with, since they are treated with some elaboration in various excellent books that are readily available; while the semi-religious and astrological aspects of astronomy have been dealt with more fully.
Sample Pages
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Zhentai 決済に国境を越えた取引が含まれる場合、為替レートの変動による損失を避けるために、ユーザーは事前に銀行に為替ポリシーと為替レートを確認することをお勧めします。